
Hello readers - thanks for viewing my blog. Especially welcome are my beautiful wife Cyndi, our two wonderful children Tom and Lisa, and my siblings Jeff, Mary and Suzy. I posted often from America Samoa while I was there a few years ago. I also post from our past and later travels. Keep checking in, and please leave a comment!

They may not be readers, but our dogs Monte and Zoey have a special page with their own photos. They are involved in many of our trips, and all of our lives.

Click on photos and videos to enlarge and (usually) see them better.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Justice At Last

     Osama Bin Laden, that evil worm (with apologies to worms everywhere) is dead, shot by US Special Forces.  Justice at last, belatedly, but justice indeed.  With gratitude to the brave servicemen who for almost 10 years have given their time, energy and their lives to this cause.

     If ever for even a moment there is temptation to forget the incredible tragedy of  9/11/01, go to the web and find the pictures of people jumping 80 stories above the ground, from burning skyscrapers.  That is why this day is so overdue, and so sweet.  We all celebrate this day, and sleep better, tonight.

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